07.04 – Summary of Audit Findings

Areas of Good Practice

  • There are local risk registers in place that incorporate information risk and are used to drive the Internal Audit plan.
  • The organisation security controls in place surrounding identity access management include complex passwords and monitoring of starters, leavers and movers.
  • There are appropriate network access controls in place including the encryption of mobile devices.
  • Data Protection Officers in each service receive additional training that includes the handling of requests.
  • There is a central log of SARs which includes details of key dates and who is responsible for completing the request.

Areas for Improvement

  • There are local risk registers in place that incorporate information risk and are used to drive the Internal Audit plan.
  • The organisation security controls in place surrounding identity access management include complex passwords and monitoring of starters, leavers and movers.
  • There are appropriate network access controls in place including the encryption of mobile devices.
  • Data Protection Officers in each service receive additional training that includes the handling of requests.
  • There is a central log of SARs which includes details of key dates and who is responsible for completing the request